Article 43 of the Rules of Procedure
1. The original of every pleading must be signed by the party’s agent or lawyer.
The original, accompanied by all annexes referred to therein, shall be lodged together with five copies for the General Court and a copy for every other party to the proceedings. Copies shall be certified by the party lodging them.
3. All pleadings shall bear a date. In the reckoning of time-limits for taking steps in proceedings only the date of lodgment at the Registry shall be taken into account.
4 appealsOrder of 12 Jul 2016, C-399/15 (Vichy Catal) 
Order of 6 Oct 2015, C-181/15 (Marpefa v OHIM) 
Order of 21 Sep 2012, C-69/12 (Noscira) 
Judgment of 22 Sep 2011, C-426/10 (Bell & Ross) 